Dear parents,
The safety and well-being of all VNHV members are important. With the current rising in COVID-19 cases and the average age of our students is under 12 (the age that the CDC has approved to receive COVID-19 shots), the Executive Committee has decided to postpone the opening of in-person classes for the Fall semester. We will continue to monitor the situation and will communicate accordingly regarding the Spring semester.
We understand that you already pre-registered your child/ren to attend class in–person. As an alternative, we tentatively plan to offer virtual classes. Even though we have many dedicated teachers and teaching assistants, our resources are limited. To help us better plan for a temporary solution, please complete the survey and return by August 31, 2021.
There are many tasks which we must do, should we proceed with offering virtual classes. However, if we were to offer virtual classes, they will be on Sundays from 9:30 to 11:00 AM in late September 2021. There will be no tuition.
The Executive Committee